Monday, May 20, 2024

Blame your wife!

 Oooof, both Justice Alito and Sen. Menendez are blaming their wives.

Alito says his wife is to blame for the upside flag flying outside his house.

And Menendez says his wife is to blame for all of the gifts.

From the NY Times:

It is a tale as old as Adam and Eve: A husband, faced with accusations of misconduct, blames the wife.

It is also a time-honored, bipartisan political strategy. This week, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey pointed ringed fingers at their wives for episodes that have landed each man in political or legal trouble.

“It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito,” Justice Alito, one of the Supreme Court’s most conservative members, told The New York Times in explaining an upside-down American flag — a “Stop the Steal” symbol of protest by Donald J. Trump’s supporters — flying on a pole in the family’s front lawn in the days before President Biden’s 2021 inauguration. The justice’s wife, Martha-Ann Alito, was in a feud with neighbors at the time over an anti-Trump sign, The Times reported.

In the case of Mr. Menendez, a Democrat, it was his lawyer who did the finger pointing. On Wednesday, in a federal courtroom in Manhattan, the lawyer, Avi Weitzman, blamed the senator’s wife and her financial troubles for what prosecutors have described as a bribery scheme involving foreign governments and hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts.

 So what do you think about the blame-the-wife strategy? Will it work?



Anonymous said...

Can I hear from an Israel expert on this announcement:

Curious how the experts in our community view arrest warrant (requests) from the prosecutor for the ICC, for the Israeli leadership?

Is that body just a shill for anti-semites?

Is this prosecution bogus?

Anonymous said...

With Alito, it won't matter. Thomas's wife and Thomas have done far worse and it doesn't matter. Just goes to show how little they think of the institution of the Court.

Mendez: Fucking Gold Bars! Is he a pirate? Yes, he is.

That would be the entirety of my closing for the government.

Or, maybe I would train a parrot to sit on my shoulder and repeat "Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!" while I wear a patch on one eye, and then sit down.

The funny thing is that some prosecutor is going to get their 'signature win' taking down a US Senator in a case that a kindergartener could win by delivering a closing argument consisting entirely of holding up pages from "P is for Pirate".

Anonymous said...

There is nothing to "work" for Alito. He won't recuse himself, and there is no enforceable code of ethics for the Court.

Will not work for Menendez. Bye bye.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Breyer hung his flag upside down after Bush v. Gore? Where were the libs then? Such a double standard.

Anonymous said...

4:16 - you are joking right? Please provide any cite to evidence of Breyer doing that.

Anonymous said...

416 is either reverse trolling (i.e., being ironic) or is the same fool that was calling Trump's prosecution in NY illegitimate because John Edwards wasn't prosecuted for the same thing (spoiler alert, John Edwards was prosecuted for the same thing).

Anonymous said...

Didn’t happen.

Anonymous said...

Enough already! Every damn thing isn't Israel!

Anonymous said...

As I recall, he got out of the last case unscathed.